Trekking the Kungsleden
The King's Trail through Northern Sweden

Trekking the Kungsleden

The King's Trail through Northern Sweden
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Guide Skandinavien Sverige sweden Nordschweden Hiking Trekking Wanderführer Wandern Wandertouren Wanderungen Wanderwege weitwanderführer Weitwandern Kungsleden Lappi Norrbottens Län Västerbottens län Abisko walk Bierke Hemavan Kebnekaise hike Arctic Circle Nikkoluokta Royal Trail
The King's Trail through Northern Sweden Sweden's most famous long-distance trail, the Kungsleden (King's Trail) traverses the land of the Sámi people and the midnight sun, showcasing an ever-changing landscape of snowy mountains, deep glacial valleys, open fell, expansive lakes and verdant forest. Stretching 460km between Abisko and Hemavan, around half the route lies within the Arctic Circle. The fully waymarked trail is comprised of five continuous and distinct sections: these can be walked individually or a thru-hike will take around a month. The guide also includes the popular Abisko to Nikkaluokta circuit, which can be completed in a week, and an ascent of Kebnekaise, Sweden's highest peak at 2098m. In addition to clear route description and mapping, you'll find a wealth of practical advice covering accommodation and facilities, equipment and resupply and detailed notes on how to get to and from the section start and finish-points. A Swedish and Fell Sámi glossary can be found in the appendix. Although there are plentiful opportunities for wild camping, three of the five trail sections are equipped with huts (many including a shop and a sauna) making them easily accessible to all. The remaining two sections have a more remote feel that will appeal to those intent on finding some solitude. To add further colour, there are seven mandatory lake crossings on the trail with the option of rowing or using the motorised service: full details are provided in the text. The Kungsleden passes through five national parks, including Sarek. Other highlights include the striking Tjäktjavagge glacial valley and the famous hay meadows of Aktse, perfectly framed by the azure Lájtávrre delta and the sheer chiselled face of Skierrffe. The Kungsleden invites you to step into a new world, and it may well prove to be the start of a long and rich association involving many repeated visits. Pages/Seitenzahl: 272 Size/Maße: 17.2 x 11.6 x 1.5cm Weight/Gewicht: 320g

A guidebook to walking the Kungsleden trail (King’s Trail) between Abisko and Hemavan. Covering 460km (286 miles), this long-distance trail through the sub-artic landscape of Swedish Lappland takes 4 weeks and is suitable for any reasonably fit, experienced walker.

The route is described from north to south in 28 stages, each between 7 and 22km (4–14 miles) in length. An additional itinerary is included for the Kebnekaise summit, Sweden’s highest peak.

  • 1:100,000 maps included for each stage
  • GPX files available to download
  • Detailed information on accommodation, facilities and public transport
  • The popular Abisko-Nikkaluokta portion of the route can be completed in 1 week
  • Advice on planning and preparation
320 g
Product Type:
Year of publication:
Continent: Europe
Country: Sweden
State / Province: Norrbotten, Västerbotten
Region: Lappland
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